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You are resilient. What pain and struggle have you fought through to build the life you have? What shifts have you made to accommodate new growth? Who was there to support you?


Our stories and pain are different, but the common thread is that we needed a team of support around us to be where we are today. Your team could consist of just one, or it can be many, but we cannot do this life alone.

Who are we? We are women who have experienced a tremendous amount of life. We’ve fought through chronic illness, found joy in our children, loved and lost, and asked for help even when it went against everything in our nature. We have a drive and passion for helping others shift their mindsets, find their power, and thrive.


Join us as we share stories of phenomenal women who have shifted their lives by using their strengths and resiliency to leave behind a legacy.  You will be moved, inspired, and challenged with takeaways that you can implement in your own life.

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